Get the Independent Research
We believe in unbiased science or science that isn’t funded by the PFAS industry or PFAS textile manufacturers. When research is funded by industry, it creates a conflict of interest, where profits often win over considerations of health effects. Therefore, we’ve compiled some of the most impactful independent research we’ve seen about PFAS in general and PFAS in the fire service below.
Researchers Pindown Prevalence of PFAS in Firefighter Gear
Maizel AC, Thompson A, Tighe M, Escobar Veras S, Rodowa AE, Falkenstein-Smith R, Benner B, Hoffman K, Donnelly M, Hernandez O, Wetzler N, Ngu T, Reiner J, Place B, Kucklick J, Rimmer C, Davis RD
Disposition of Fluorine on New Firefighter Turnout Gear
Derek J. Muensterman, Ivan A. Titaley, Graham F. Peaslee, Leah D. Minc, Liliana Cahuas, Alix E. Rodowa, Yuki Horiuchi, Shogo Yamane, Thierry N.J. Fouquet, John C. Kissel, Courtney C. Carignan, and Jennifer A. Field
Another Pathway for Firefighter Exposure to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances: Firefighter Textiles
Graham F. Peaslee*, John T. Wilkinson, Sean R. McGuinness, Meghanne Tighe, Nicholas Caterisano, Seryeong Lee, Alec Gonzales, Matthew Roddy, Simon Mills, and Krystle Mitchell
Carcinogenicity of Occupational Exposure as a Firefighter
Paul A Demers, David M DeMarini, Kenneth W Fent, Deborah C Glass, Johnni Hansen, Olorunfemi Adetona, Maria HG Andersen, Laura E Beane Freeman, Alberto J Caban-Martinez, Robert D Daniels, Timothy R Driscoll, Jaclyn M Goodrich, Judith M Graber, Tracy L Kirkham, Kristina Kjaerheim, David Kriebel, Alexandra S Long, Luana C Main, Marta Oliveira, Susan Peters, Lauren R Teras, Emily R Watkins, Jefferey L Burgess, Anna A Stec, Paul A White, Nathan L DeBono, Lamia Benbrahim-Tallaa, Aline de Conti, Fatiha El Ghissassi, Yann Grosse, Leslie T Stayner, Eero Suonio, Susana Viegas, Roland Wedekind, Pauline Boucheron, Bayan Hosseini, Joanne Kim, Hana Zahed, Heidi Mattock, Federica Madia, Mary K Schubauer-Berigan
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Dust Collected from Residential Homes and Fire Stations in North America
Samantha M. Hall, Sharyle Patton, Myrto Petreas, Sharon Zhang, Allison L. Phillips, Kate Hoffman, and Heather M. Stapleton
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Total Fluorine In Fire Station Dust
Young, A. S., Sparer-Fine, E. H., Pickard, H. M., Sunderland, E. M., Peaslee, G. F., & Allen, J. G.
Prevalence and Predictors of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Serum Levels among Members of a Suburban US Volunteer Fire Department
Judith M. Graber, Taylor M. Black, Nimit N. Shah, Alberto J. Caban-Martinez, Shou-en Lu, Troy Brancard, Chang Ho Yu, Mary E. Turyk, Kathleen Black, Michael B. Steinberg, Zhihua Fan, Jefferey L. Burgess
Exposure to Perfluoroalkyl Substances in a Cohort of Women Firefighters and Office Workers in San Francisco
Jessica Trowbridge, Roy R. Gerona, Thomas Lin, Ruthann A. Rudel, Vincent Bessonneau, Heather Buren, and Rachel Morello-Frosch
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH): Findings from a Study of Cancer among U.S. Fire Fighters
The study was a joint effort led by researchers at NIOSH in collaboration with researchers at the National Cancer Institute and the University of California at Davis Department of Public Health Sciences, and supported in part by the U.S Fire Administration.
Are fluoropolymers really of low concern for human and environmental health and separate from other PFAS?
Rainer Lohmann,1* Ian T. Cousins,2 Jamie C. DeWitt,3 Juliane Glüge,4 Gretta Goldenman,5 Dorte Herzke,6A,B Andrew B. Lindstrom,7 Mark F. Miller,8 Carla A. Ng,9A,B Sharyle Patton,10 Martin Scheringer,4 Xenia Trier,11 Zhanyun Wang, 12
Furthering the Understanding of the Migration of Chemicals from Consumer Products
This publication was prepared by G. Munoz, J. Liu, A. Guitron, J. Jarjour, G. Auger-Casavant, S. Chaudhuri, J.M. Montiel-León, S. Mejia-Avendaño, S. Vo Duy, and S. Sauvé for the Secretariat of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation.
PFAS – Emission along lifecycle of DWR treated work wear
Christina Jönsson, Stefan Posner, Sandra Roos, Anne-Charlotte Hanning, Philip Gillgard (Swerea IVF), Greg Peters, Hanna Holmquist (Chalmers), Steffen Schellenberger, Ian Cousins (SU – Stockholm University), Ike van der Veen, Jana Weiss, Pim Leonards (VU – University Amsterdam)
Toxicological Profile for Perfluoroalkyls (2021)
Patrick N. Breysse, Ph.D., CIH (Director, National Center for Environmental Health and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Prevalence and Predictors of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Serum Levels among Members of a Suburban US Volunteer Fire Department
Judith M. Graber, Taylor M. Black, Nimit N. Shah, Alberto J. Caban-Martinez, Shou-en Lu, Troy Brancard, Chang Ho Yu, Mary E. Turyk, Kathleen Black, Michael B. Steinberg, Zhihua Fan, and Jefferey L. Burgess
Perfluorohexane Sulfonate (PFHxS)—Socio-Economic Impact, Exposure, and the Precautionary Principle
Bluteau, T., Cornelsen, M., Holmes, N.J.C., Klein, R.A., McDowall, J.G., Shaefer, T.H., Tisbury, M., Whitehead, K.