What is the NFPA 1971 Standard?
NFPA 1971 protects firefighters by establishing minimum levels of protection from thermal, physical, environmental, and blood-borne pathogen hazards encountered during structural and proximity fire fighting operations.
NFPA 1971 specifies the minimum design, performance, testing, and certification requirements for proximity fire fighting protective ensembles and ensemble elements that include coats, trousers, coveralls, helmets, gloves, footwear, and interface components.
Section 8.62 of NFPA Standard 1971 requires a light degradation resistance test for “moisture barrier materials.” Turnout gear pants and jackets are comprised of an outer shell, a moisture barrier, and a thermal barrier. Practically speaking, this means that the middle layer of the three-layer turnout gear needs to pass this light degradation resistance test. This specific requirement is preventing PFAS-free moisture barriers from being created.